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ACF membership is one of the most important career moves a consulting forester can make.

The ACF's candidacy process is selective and demands an ongoing investment of time, money and effort - but that selectivity is what makes ACF membership such an important asset for a consulting forester. Because of the high professional reputation of our members, ACF membership is an indelible mark of excellence and accountability known throughout the industry.

Check out the other ways ACF can benefit you and your business.

ACF Membership Applications

Please carefully review all sections of an application and read all membership requirements to make sure you meet all of the criteria.  If you have questions about ACF, membership applications, or membership requirements, please email [email protected] or call the ACF national office (703) 548-0990.

We recommend viewing the ACF Membership Flowchart for guidance on which membership category is the best fit for you.

Already know which membership category you'd like to apply for? Click a direct link below to access an online application.

New to ACF?

Join as an Associate Member, Candidate for Full Member, or Candidate for Affiliate Member. Descriptions for each membership category are below.

Associate Membership

(Designed for individuals who are current forestry students or recent graduates and have not yet met the requirements for Candidate Membership.)

Requirements for Associate Membership:

  1. Be enrolled in a professional forestry degree-granting program recognized by the ACF Executive Committee or be no more than three years post-graduation.
  2. Have no economic interest in a timber purchasing or timber procurement entity wherein a potential conflict of interest may exist in serving the public. *Internship or short-term seasonal employment by such an entity while enrolled in a degree-granting program does not preclude Associate Membership status.
Associate Membership Online Application


Candidate for Full Membership

Requirements for Candidate for Full Membership:

  1. Be a graduate from a forestry or related bachelor or higher degree granting program.
  2. Have at least two years of experience in practical forestry administration, forest management or other special forestry classification.
  3. Be a professional forester, whose principal activity is forestry consulting work to the public on a fee or contract basis.
  4. Have no undisclosed economic interests or associations with any entity wherein a conflict of interest may exist in representing clients.
  5. Have business ownership or employment status as an owner, partner or stockholder in a forestry consulting firm; an employee of a consulting firm that has one or more of its owners as an ACF Member; or practice in a firm enrolled in an ACF-approved practice monitoring program.
Candidate for Full Membership Online Application


Candidate for Affiliate Membership

Requirements for Candidate for Affiliate Membership:

  1. Be a graduate from a forestry or related associate degree granting program.
  2. Have at least two years of experience in practical forestry administration, forest management or other special forestry classification.
  3. Be a professional forester, whose principal activity is forestry consulting work to the public on a fee or contract basis.
  4. Have no undisclosed economic interests or associations with any entity wherein a conflict of interest may exist in representing clients.
  5. Have business ownership or employment status as an owner, partner or stockholder in a forestry consulting firm; an employee of a consulting firm that has one or more of its owners as an ACF Member; or practice in a firm enrolled in an ACF-approved practice monitoring program.
Candidate for Affiliate Membership Online Application

Full Membership / Affiliate Membership 

Ready to upgrade? Once you've been a Candidate Member for at least one but no more than three years, completed the Practice of Consulting Forestry course, and have five or more years experience in forestry, it's time to upgrade your membership:

Full Member Application - For Candidates for Full Member

Affiliate Member Application - For Candidates for Affiliate Member


Retired Membership / Lifetime Membership

Already a member and want to change your status?

Retired Member Application - Full Members can apply for Retired status if principal income is derived from retirement or disability

Lifetime Member Application - Full Members can apply for Lifetime status if principal income is derived from retirement of disability and has been a Full Member for a minimum of 15 years

Member-Inactive Application - Designed for Full Members with changes in employment that lead to no longer qualifying for membership but who wish to maintain a relationship with the association


Membership Reinstatement

Ready to come back to ACF?

Former and Inactive Members are eligible to apply for Reinstatement.

Click here to review ACF's Reinstatement Policy and Requirements.

Online Reinstatement Application

ACF Governance Documents

In addition to any requirements specified in the above application forms, ACF members in any category must agree to abide by the Constitution, Bylaws, Polices, and Code of Ethics of ACF.

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